Rather than paying for expensive media-studios and fancy addresses, we’ve streamlined the process by working only with experienced and approved professional voice-talents who have their own recording setups. Each talent provides an example recording of what their voice and studio sound like together, so you always know what to expect when you receive your project recording. It’s also possible to ask for custom demos in order to hear the voice in the context of specific projects. Studio-time, basic editing, and the original unprocessed recording plus 3 different dynamically mastered and loudness adjusted files are always included in the price. Use our fixed price offer or ask for a Custom Project if your project doesn't fit.
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See AllIf you have ordered several scripts in a project they need to be recorded in the same session. If a script is not ready and you will need...
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In Voicemachine you can choose to download the audio as uploaded by the voice talent or as dynamic loudness processed files with the help...
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